Vinyl Banners

Stand Display For Shops

Sign printing machine'Rewinding Sign Stand for Advertising' promote your company to people inside you shop or foyer. Use the great banner stand supplies for your next advertising stand.

Banner Stand Printer in Australia

Full size expanding banner stand manufacturer of silver and black molded and Aluminium banner stand bases. Very Cheap Purchase Price.

This New kind of expo display unit rewinds into the bottom cover. The total height is 2 metre's above the opening of the stand. Each panel is very easy to unwind and you can also carry extra panels in the bag for different expo sign applications or locations.

The file is printed onto the material at full size. The sign stand is perfect for expo work because the printing can be viewed at close distance.

TIP: The large the software file (eg: 60 mb and above) the better the printing.

The specialised and flexible sign material rewinds into the compartment of the the lower aluminium base to make transporting the Stand Display simple and compact. You can take it with you to sales meetings, company pitches, marketing presentations, informal or formal board meetings, product concept meetings, and always change the design with a new skin.

fast signs and banners

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